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About the Course

Our courses are very successful at bringing resolution to this area of women’s lives.”

One third of all women in the UK will have an abortion in their lifetime. What is not widely understood is that abortion can have a powerful effect on some women.

  • Emotionally, it can be experienced as a loss and bereavement on a par with miscarriage or stillbirth.
  • Psychologically, if abortion is experienced as trauma and/or the powerful emotions surrounding the abortion are denied or suppressed, this can lead to depression and other effects.
  • Relationally women and men may become withdrawn and not wish to have close relationships or even to become pregnant again and have children.

The Post Abortion Course has been designed to bring restoration to those affected by a past abortion. The course started at Holy Trinity Brompton in London, where it has run for many years, and is now run at different centres around the country.

Who is it for and how does it work?

The course is for women who have been through an abortion(s) and are Christians, and who wish to explore this area of their lives. This is a safe space for women to share their experiences in a small group setting and step-by-step work through different emotions and consequences.

  • The course lasts for nine weeks
  • One evening a week (19:00 - 21:00)
  • One all-day Saturday (09:30 - 15:00)

The sessions are led by an experienced facilitator with additional helpers according to numbers which are usually small (less than six people per course). Confidentiality is always respected.